New Scene Shot for Showreel!

On 17th February, I was up in Manchester filming at the marvellous space that is 53Two (if you can, please go check it out - their pies and pints are awesome, their venue perfect for the performing arts - and consider making a donation!).

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Kelley Costigan
The Only Constant in Life is Change...

It’s been two lovely years with Victoria Steven Management during which she put me forward for some cracking jobs. Although I managed to get some auditions and self-tapes, I never managed to bag a job. I know I’ve got talent, I got some auditions and I’ve been back on stage (as Puck last summer), but there haven’t been many opportunities for work in the grand scheme of things.

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The Acting Habit 21-Day Self-Tape Challenge

I realise that this is something that I’ve had on my acting bucket list for a while now, having come across notes to myself that I was going to do it (but didn’t at the time I’d made these notes to myself).

However, I decided as I was not working with any regularity, it made sense to devote time working on a skill which I needed to improve - self-taping. I’ve only been asked for a handful of self-tape auditions over the last few years and knew that I needed to up my skills in this area because of how common they have become during the pandemic.

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Kelley Costigan
New Year, New Headshots!

I have been meaning to get my headshots updated for a while, but due to one thing and another, have not been able to afford them. During the pandemic, I have met some truly wonderful and generous people who have given me friendship and help when I have needed it most. I do not think I would ever have met some of these lovely souls had it not been for the crisis in which we have found ourselves. With meetings becoming virtual, I ended up signing up for workshops for many different things….

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Kelley Costigan
Thoughts as We Go Into a Second Lockdown (& Reflections on the First One)

I didn’t comment about the first time we went into lockdown. Quite frankly, I didn’t have the time as I was trying desperately to keep my sanity in tact. As many self-employed creatives, I have had a very hard time. Having had all my work dry up, I had to find new opportunities and ways to make ends meet. I would not be here now, able to go into a second lockdown, had it not been for the kindness and generosity of many people - family and friends who are mostly also creatives - supporting me, offering me small projects to work on which would bring in much needed money, and just being a patient and listening ear as I tried not to fall into the dark abyss and give up completely.

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Gratitude is the Attitude - Taking Back My Power

I won’t make any bones about it. I’ve had a rough few months. This is not at all unusual in the acting industry - we all go through dry patches without a job in sight.

Create your own work, is usually what is offered as a piece of advice. But as a creative, I can’t work in a vacuum - I can’t really create my own work on my own. If I come up with a little film, I will need somewhere to film it, someone to film it, edit it, get the sound right (won’t I)?

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End of the Year Thoughts (and a Naughty Elf).

2019. What a year of mixed blessings. I’m trying to keep looking on the bright side - seeing all the good that happened to me this year, but sometimes, it’s kind of difficult when you’re me and overthink everything.

My blogs this year were highlights of my achievements (and I notice I didn’t post about my first proper life modelling experience in South London with a very talented artist, Rob MacGillivray (check him out here)). That was back in October, and I will say that it was a great experience….

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Why Will You Say That I Am Mad? (Or, The Poe Show)

I had the most wonderful and challenging experience this summer when I was given the opportunity to play Edgar Allan Poe by Peter Malin and Robert F. Ball for FRED Theatre Company.

I have always been a fan of Mr Poe, having been given an illustrated volume of his stories when a child. I would pore over the pictures and read the stories over and over again, developing a fascination with the writer which has never left me.

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Blade of the Assassin

I’m currently in pre-production for my first lead in an action feature and I’m very excited! I have been training very hard with Movieworks International in Banbury for the stunts I will be performing and have been hitting the gym seriously in order to ensure that I’m at my best to carry out the action required of the role of May, head crime boss.

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By the Sword 2019

This year I taught my very first workshops at an all-women’s HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) event called By the Sword. This was a huge opportunity for me and would not have been possible without the faith and support of Fran Terminiello (The School of the Sword and founder of By the Sword).

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